Studio FAQ's

Studio FAQ's

Picnic have run well over 100M impressions to date on AMP, across our full suite of products. We have extensive experience in DV360, Xandr & TTD.
Q: How do we add 3rd Party Tracking or Event/Engagement Tracking?
Q: Most common 3rd Party Tracking implemented on Picnic units?
Q: Are there any restrictions with 3rd party tracking; discrepancies, Monitoring, Blocking, etc...?
Q: How will I receive reporting?
Q: Where can I find more information on Ad Specs & Creative Guidelines?
Q: How will I know what Monthly Avails look like for Picnic Formats?
Q: Any other issues to note with running Picnic formats in AMP?
Q: Trafficking Tags: Directly
Q: Trafficking Tags: Programmatically
Q: Why are Picnic formats ran as Standard HTML rather than AMPHTML?